Prepare to Drop!

So somehow I've managed to become involved with not one but two new game systems! I initially picked up dropfleet commander rulebook after playing a lot of battlefleet gothic, and wanting to try something different. Both games were designed by Andy Chambers, with Dropfleet Commander almost being BFG 2.0

My intention was to look at converting my existing Battlefleet Gothic ships over to use Dropfleet Commander rules., however as with a lot of hobbying projects this was put on the back burner, until recently when a friend mentioned playing Dropfleet Commander. I had a quick look at the TT Combat and immediately became enamoured with the resistance fleet. 

The old earth fleet and scrap fleet ships both look great, so I picked up 2 starter sets as well as a pack of detonators, monitors and destroyers.

The starter sets each contain 3 cruiser and 4 frigates. The cruisers can be built as light, standard or heavy cruisers. U like other factions there aren't any classes of ship for cruisers or frigates; you are instead given hard point and turret options to effectively design your own ships. 

However starting a game set in a new universe can be a slippery slope! Whilst browsing the Dropfleet Commander I caught a glance at the Resistance faction for Dropzone Commander, all with how cheap the starter sets are! A starter set and extras are now on their way to my house; the fleet isn't even assembled yet, let alone painted!

Stay tuned for more Drop universe updates. 
